Saturday 22 February 2014

dry épicé spaghetti


In this little post, I will be showing on how to cook the dry épicé spaghetti. Before I start, bear in mind that this recipe will be a little different than the other because I created the recipe by my own and it's really easy, won't be complicated. Let's get started! 

For the Ingredients, you will need:
- 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of basil oil
- 5 cloves of garlic, finely chopped and peeled 
- 5 piece of dried chili, cut half for each piece 
- 2 tablespoons of pinenuts
- 1 pound of vegetable spaghetti
- 1 teaspoon of dried basil
-  sea salt 
-  ground pepper
-  2 teaspoons of table salt

The steps for...

1. Bring 5 quarts of water to boil(pasta in). Once water is boiling, add 2 tablespoons of table salt.
2. Keep stir the pasta to avoid sticking. Within the first 2 minutes of stirring, pasta will likely be sticky, place the         lid on the pot to help bring water back to boil. 
3. Once the water starts to boil again, remove the lid for the remaining cook time to avoid pasta from over boiling.
4. Keep testing the pasta at least 2 or 3 times before it's just right to get the al dente.
5. Once pasta is done, turn off the heat, drain the pasta cooking water away as we don't need to reserve for this recipe, leave it in the pot without rinsing the pasta.

1. 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil on the pan, heat it with medium heat. 
2. Once the olive oil is slightly warm, bring in the finely chopped garlic, all the dried chili then pinenuts.
3. After 1 minute, bring in the cooked pasta and cook together for about 2 minutes. Turn off the heat.
4. Flavor with the basil oil, dried basil, sea salt and ground pepper. Toss well, and it's ready to serve!

That's all for now, it's a very tasty simple dish that everyone is able to cook it at home. Hope that everyone gives a try and enjoy it! Bon appétit!

dry épicé spaghetti
Have a good weekend guys! ;D

Saturday 15 February 2014

LID & LET LIVE by ChuanLooi

Lit & Let Live
As you can see my big title, LID & LET LIVE, Yes! Yes! It was the coolest yet unique photography exhibition I went recently. Lid & Let Live were launched at the Avenue K(opposite KLCC if you wonder where) Level 1, it began on the 18th of January till 26  of January 2014. I'm glad that I get to explore this exhibitioned although it just exhibit for a short period. Yesssza!!!

At first, I had no idea what's going on with this monochromatic constructions in and outside of the shop lot that located at the corner. So I just bumped in randomly since it was an exhibition why not! It made me so curious and it was interesting with the monochromes which is my favorite theme. 

Photo taken secretly in a small room while listening to the sound track. 
The first thing I realized from looking at those photos, models are captured with their eyes lidded in the photos with the nature of the expression, it reveals their subconscious self in each and every photo. It clearly bring out the background and personalities of each models by understanding their body language.  'the fraction of a second flaw between eye contacts with camera lens, as if a picture with a lidded eye is always unmistakably flawed.' Quote from Chuan Looi's fb page. What a brilliant idea! Models are from the age of 6 to 60, most of them are local artist and a few blogger as well.

And by attending this exhibition, it introduced me Chuan Looi. Chuan Looi is a fashion photographer/director based in KL. He owns a studio named yipieyaya studio with his partner-Kres Kuang (well known makeup artist). He works with several local and foreign fashion brand, magazines and celebrites. His wealth of experience and passion in both fashion and people photography make him an influential figure in the fashion industry both in Malaysia and overseas. Aside from photography, Chuan Looi has directed several music videos and short films for local artists. His dream is to hold a photographic exhibition where he can showcase his wide array of work which he hope can be done during end of year 2010. 

After all, I enjoyed and impressed by this fantastique exhibition of Chuan Looi.

Visit his awesome pages! Enjoy! ;)